Documentarians are increasingly divided over where the line is between the truthfulness and artfulness: how much should reality be manipulated? We explore the cross-fertilization between drama and nonfiction, as we welcome a panel of filmmakers with very different approaches: Kevin Macdonald (Touching the Void, One Day in September), Karen Schmeer (editor, The Fog of War, Fast Cheap & Out of Control); Bruce Sinofsky (co-director, Brother's Keeper, Metallica: Some Kind of Monster) Marco Williams & Whitney Dow (co-directors, Two Towns of Jasper) Sandra Fierlinger (co-director, A Room Nearby, Still Life with Animated Dogs) and David Petersen (director, Let the Church Say Amen). Underwritten by the Harte Chair in Journalism at MU.

Both the Saturday and Sunday seminars are free and open to the public.

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