This extraordinary documentary lets us eavesdrop on a decidedly unconventional family in New York: two bisexual men and a straight woman joined together in matrimony. While Susan Kaplan's film sounds like it has the makings of an awkward situation comedy, this is no quickie. Director Kaplan (her first production
Small Wonders was made into a Meryl Streep film) is remarkably patient, letting the story unfold over the course of eight years. While
Three of Hearts will no doubt stimulate debate about marriage, the film is far from simple advocacy for ditching conventionality. The film reveals the complexity of real life and challenges the radical and the righteous.
Plays with Small Town Secrets (dir. Katherine Leggett, 2005, 8 min.), a textured look at the director's parents, who were closeted gays in a small Midwestern town in the '80s.
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