Based in Chicago at WBEZ/Chicago Public Radio, the Third Coast International Audio Festival is an annual and ongoing celebration of the best feature and documentary work being produced worldwide for the radio and the Internet. Give your eyes a rest and embrace the art of listening as festival honchos Johanna Zorn, Julie Shapiro and Roman Mars serve up a radio potluck, a full-course meal of innovative and wide-ranging audio work from all over the world, then join in a conversation about the selections they play. Also, look for the Third Coast audio shorts sprinkled throughout the fest at the Ragtag Cinema.

As an incentive for getting out of bed early, come on time for a complimentary Continental breakfast — Uprise scones, cinnamon rolls, and croissants as well as orange juice and coffee. (And maybe we'll let you use the Ragtag Inn's indoor sauna.)

The program
Blind Dog (Scott Carrier,, 2005, 4:00) — While taking a break from a rigorous canoe trip, producer Scott Carrier wanders into the Green River Bar and meets a couple of special residents of Daniel, Wyoming.

Dreaming of Fat Men (Lorelei Harris, RTE / Ireland, 1994, 6:52 excerpt of 43:38 program) — Listen in on a dinner conversation between four lovely large ladies, as they share a feast and discuss how issues of weight and size have brought both triumph and sorrow into their lives.

Just Another Fish Story (Molly Menschel, Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, 2005, 8:27) — Eleven years ago, in a rural town in the poorest county of Maine, a 60-ton dead whale washed up on the Atlantic shore. The people of Lubec re-live the burial of their giant visitor and in doing so, tell as much about the town as the whale.

Hearing Voices (John Wynne, BBC and Falling Tree Productions / UK, 2005, 6:52 excerpt of a 29:00 program) — Languages on the verge of extinction are a popular topic for journalistic exploration. This program approaches the subject uniquely, moving seamlessly between documentary and abstraction; weaving together interviews, field recordings and Wynne's own music made from these materials. (Silver Award winner in the 2005 Third Coast Festival / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition)

Lord God Bird (Long Haul Productions, All Things Considered, 2005, 11:00) — The Ivory Billed Woodpecker was thought to be extinct — until recently, when it was rediscovered near the small town of Brinkley, Arkansas. The sightings were big news in a community depressed by recession and population loss. Here's the story straight from Brinkley townspeople, woven together with an original song written and performed by musician Sufjan Stevens.

Simulation (The Night Air, Australian Broadcasting Corp., 2005, 2:30) — It's well-known that the Australians will go to great lengths to procure the exact sound they're looking for when producing radio features. This excerpt from a "Best of the Night Air" episode proves this point perfectly. Note: not for the faint of stomach.

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