A game show in the tradition of "What's My Line?" or "Truth or Consequences," Gimme Truth pits filmmaker against filmmaker as they attempt to pick out the facts and fictions of an assortment of locally produced short films. Huge prizes await both the winner of the game show and the best of the short films. Hosted by Columbia's own Doppler Dave Schmidt with a surprise introduction from a giant of the game show world. Co-presented by CAT3.tv.
- Competitive Skiier (Brock & Erik Williams)
- Ben Ferrell (Nathan Truesdell)
- Refrigerator Feng Shui (Pam Spencer & Rhonda Moore)
- Where's In A Name? (Kenneth Ogawa)
- Blinded by Emus (Lee Allie Buchanan)
- Untitled SRD Documentary (Matt Avery & Brett Figus)
- Blessed and Cursed: The Life of the Pedicure King (The Beauty Queens)
- The Squirrel Hunter (Stephanie Foley & Doug Freeman)
- Board Feat (Carl & Anne Orazio)
- Tyler Mullins (Doc Crotzer)
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