File under: so real it hurts. "50% of teachers quit within the first three years of teaching." So begins this humorous, frenetic and painful tale of three novice teachers and one reluctant administrator attempting to navigate one year in the public school system. Mr. Lowrey, a former software engineer (and misguided altruist), is entering his first year as a history teacher; Coach Webb, a second-year P.E. teacher, searches for love in all the wrong places; Mr. Stroope, a third-year veteran, is vying for "Teacher of the Year" honors; and Mrs. Reddell, a first-year assistant principal, is assigned to rein in the Harrison High staff. As they deal with rebellious students, faculty squabbles and a mutinous photocopying machine,
Chalk offers an intimate look at what those who can't, do. (KC)
Preceded by The Sopranos in the West Wing (dir. Jonathan Mitchell, audio, 2 min.) What it might sound like to have Tony as president.
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