Grace Lee grew up in Columbia. As the only Grace Lee around, she never gave much thought to her name. But once she left the cradle of the Midwest, everyone she met seemed to know another Grace Lee. What's more, Grace Lee had a profile. She was reserved, good at school, religiously minded, and, of course, she played piano. But this didn't exactly fit Grace. So she set out to get to the bottom of these stereotypes by studying what she knew best — Grace Lee. The result is a very funny, highly unscientific study of what it means to be named Grace Lee. Along the way she meets Graces who match the stereotypes, but many more who explode it, from an inspired lifelong activist to a mysterious rebel who tried to burn down her school. Using her natural wit and charm to confront weighty issues of identity and prejudice, Grace does her hometown proud with this fresh spin through the question "what's in a name?"
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