The Devil Came on Horseback

dir. Annie Sundberg/Ricki Stern, 2007, 85 min.
Sunday, Mar. 4, 1:30pm; Missouri Theatre
In person: co-directors Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern
When Brian Steidle took a job as an unarmed observer in the Darfur region of the Sudan, it's safe to say that he had no clue what he was going to encounter. Armed with only a camera, this former Marine captain found himself a helpless observer to the genocide that took place when the Arab-controlled government offered active support to the Janjaweed militias, who carried out systematic torture, rape and murder against local villages and tribes. Journalists couldn't get in, but when Steidle got out, his feelings of outrage and powerlessness drove him to leak his photos to the press. True/False alums Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern (The Trials of Daryl Hunt) document Brian's personal transformation from witness to activist. (DW)