True/False Films

Dinner Party
Various directors; 77 min.
Friday, Feb. 26 / 7:30PM / Little Ragtag
Saturday, Feb. 27 / 12:30PM / The Hive
Sunday, Feb. 28 / 8:00PM / Little Ragtag

In person: director Amy Grappell

If you were asked which historical figure you'd like to dine with, you might say Jesus, Gandhi, Freud or Lincoln. But may we suggest Dock, Reza, Vinh and Paul & Deana? Dock Ellis performed the greatest drug-induced feat in sports history. The weathered, sympathetic Reza takes care of his camel companion in Tehran's old city. The gentle Vinh is plucked out of his remote Cambodian village to star in a timely, topical karaoke video. And last but not least, Paul & Deana's swinging '70s social arrangement hinted at a new world. Bon appétit! Dock Ellis & the LSD No No (dir. James Blagden; 5 min.), One Day after the 10th Day (dir. Narges Abyar; 25 min.), Born Sweet (dir. Cynthia Wade; 28 min.), Quadrangle (dir. Amy Grappell; 18 min.) (PS)