True/False Films

Rachel Is
Dir. Charlotte Glynn; 67 min.
Thursday, Feb. 25 / 10:30PM / Big Ragtag
Saturday, Feb. 27 / 5:30PM / Little Ragtag

In person: director Charlotte Glynn

At 21, Rachel wants to move out of her mother's house and be more independent. The trouble is, Rachel is developmentally disabled and cannot live on her own, and although both mother and daughter are getting thoroughly sick of each other, there are few options available to them in the state where they live. Directed by Rachel's sister, Charlotte Glynn, the film finds a stylish and personal path to illustrate an issue that affects many American families. Charlotte attempts to understand her mysterious sister with great candor while her mother struggles with the conflict between maternal love and duty and her desire to live her own life. Plays with Prayers for Peace (8 min.), in which Dustin Grella uses stop-motion animation to reflect on the loss of his veteran brother. (IK)